- Change
Lane ๐Type - Change
Speed ๐Limit - Original
Lane ๐ - Reverse
Lane ๐
- fix_
adaptive_ ๐stages - fix_
city_ ๐name - fix_
f64s ๐ - fix_
intersection_ ๐ids - fix_
lane_ ๐widths - fix_
map_ ๐name - fix_
merge_ ๐zones - fix_
offset ๐ - fix_
old_ ๐lane_ cmds - fix_
phase_ ๐to_ stage - fix_
plans ๐ - fix_
road_ ๐direction - remove_
vehicle_ ๐caps - When the PermanentMapEdits format changes, add a transformation here to automatically convert edits written with the old format.
- walk ๐